Welcome to Year 5
Our adults are Miss Pullen and Mrs Burnham. We are excited to be moving up into Upper Key Stage 2 and are eager to take on different roles and responsibilities; becoming fantastic role models for the younger children within our school. We are looking forward to all the amazing things we will be learning about in our penultimate year of primary school, reactivating our learning from previous years and then continuing to build and deepen it.
In Year 5, our learning journey is created though Trust-wide themes, tailored to the needs and interests of our classes. Learning is layered through the development of a range of skills that will provide us with the tools to: question, explore, experiment, reason and reflect. Through our themes and topics, we will become specialists as we develop our skills to grow into amazing athletes, scientists, mathematicians, historians, geographers, artists and writers. We use our skills across all subjects which helps to link the learning so it can help us in our daily lives.
Our continued focus on teaching children to demonstrate the principles of a Growth Mind-set will help us to be positive, resilient learners. We believe that making mistakes is good and a natural part of the learning process. With hard work and determination, we will have the ability to face challenges with focus and positivity; giving us the ability to learn through feedback. Such constructive qualities will help us to achieve our best, inside and outside of school.
In Maths, we learn through using concrete resources, which we can use to support and show our understanding. We also use pictures and visual representations to help move between concrete models and pictorial examples. Once we demonstrate our understanding we are then able to apply this new understanding to use more abstract, written methods. We also believe that learning our times tables facts are the key to unlocking our learning, enabling us to make connections across the subject and become better mathematicians. We learn through variation which allows us to completely understand a concept or strategy making us think hard, before applying our learnt skills to different contexts.
For English, we use T4W (Talk for Writing), which uses repetition and high-quality texts to engage us as well as providing us with a solid model to base our independent writing on. We ‘story map’ and learn our WAGOLL (What a Good One Looks Like) off by heart, focussing on grammar and rich vocabulary. We work hard to build our stamina in writing and create a wide range of text types including: letters, diary entries, descriptions, newspaper articles, poetry, narratives and non-fiction writing.
We love to read in Year 5 and enjoy practising our reading and comprehension skills across the curriculum. In our Reading Together sessions, we build our reading skills through using our ‘Right There’ finger, ‘Dig Deeper’ and ‘Reading Detective’ strategies to find key words and clues within the text to aid us in finding the answer. We read a wide range of fiction and non-fiction texts to broaden our reading experience. We should read daily and record what we read in our Pupil Planners. We are encouraged to read both independently and to parents. We get to complete quizzes through reading Accelerated Reader books which help us to develop our reading skills.
In Year Five, we have a few mottos which help us to be resilient learners and reminds us to stay positive: ‘Team work makes the dream work’ and “What’s the bravest thing you have ever said,” asked the boy…”Help,” said the horse.

Follow the links below to view our Parent Planner for this term and to see our Year Overview:
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If you have any questions, please email on: year5@carnforthschool.org
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